A mediation from Bonnie:
What is a good day? When is it appropriate to have a good day? To tell someone to have a good day? Is it ever not possible/not appropriate to have a good day? Or to ask someone to have a good day? When tragedy strikes? Grief pierces our heart? Deep suffering? Intense pain? Troubling challenges? Anxiety? Boring, nondescript days? A happy occasion?
Sometimes it is with the spirit of my brain that I meet the day. Without the felt connection with my heart, the sense of effort and will can be daunting.
For me, a good day is when the spirit of my heart permeates my being in the meeting and engaging with the happenings of the moment. It is from this consciousness that I greet you.
For you, what is a good day?
(Photo of flower © “The Wanderer’s Eye”)