The pubic disk is the keystone of legs. That means transferring our weight through the pubic disk rather than the sacrum can free our spine.
The Space Holds the Information
Embryology is the study of space and structure. We’re embodying the space in which our early structures developed. It is the space that holds the information.
Supporting the Nervous System through Exploring the Weight and Flow of Blood
Patterns of stress and trauma are usually approached through the nervous system. It can also be helpful to drop underneath the nervous system to the circulation of our blood.
Initiating movement from the front body and back body
Initiating movement from the front body and the back body has very different qualities and consciousness.
Bowing from the Heart Versus Bowing From the Head (Nervous System)
Embryologically, the heart begins as two tubes that join together in front of the mouth, which is above the brain at this point in development.
Basic Neurocellular Patterns: Exploring Developmental Movement
We are very excited to announce that Bonnie’s new book, Basic Neurocellular Patterns: Exploring Developmental Movement, is available for preorder!