When there is a problem in an upper or lower limb, going back to their embryological origins can be helpful to recalibrate the length and cellular organization of the limb.
Tucking Your Tail versus Finding the Connection of Your Tail and Feet
A common instruction in yoga, material arts, dance, and other types of movement practices, as well as in rehabilitation therapy modalities is to tuck the tail (coccyx).
Bones create structure, muscles and nerves create movement
When there is a problem in an upper or lower limb, going back to their embryological origins, including exploring how the joint spaces informed the development of the bones…
Relationship of the Center of the Scapula and the Center of the Wrist Part 2
A wonderful comment came in about Bonnie’s post on a exploration of the Relationship between the Center of the Scapula and the Center of the Wrist.
Relationship between the Center of the Scapula and the Center of the Wrist
A simple exploration from Bonnie on the relationship between the center of the scapula and the center of the wrist.