Here is a simple exploration from Bonnie on the relationship between the center of the scapula and the center of the wrist. It can be helpful for anyone with pain or discomfort in their hands, wrist, forearm, or shoulder and for those looking to find more ease, fluidity, and connection in their upper limbs in movement or stillness.
The capitate is a small bone in the exact middle of the wrist joint. If you place the thumb of one hand under the center of the wrist of your other hand, and the middle finger over the center of the wrist, your two fingers will be on the capitate bone of your other wrist. In whatever direction you move your held hand, maintain the capitate bone as the center of the movement.
This is important for the strength and flexibility of your fingers, wrist, forearm, and elbow joints. When you feel the connection between the center of the capitate in your wrist and the center of the wing of your scapula, all the bones and joints of your arm can come into alignment for ease of support and motion.
(Image © BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS)