Leben nuova is the leading organization in Italy for promoting somatic movement education, specifically Body-Mind Centering®. From its very start, in addition to and with the School for Body-Mind Centering® licensed training programs as a fulcrum, Leben nuova has worked on building a sense of community among people who share the somatic experience. It networks among students, graduates, professionals and the public of different fields and social-health services where the Body-Mind Centering® approach is applied. Leben nuova also places special attention in connecting local realities with experiences from other countries by organizing meetings, workshops, and international conferences, and by collaborating in international research projects.
Educational and Administrative Director: Gloria Desideri
SME Program Coordinator: Marcella Fanzaga
Simultaneous translation of Italian and English
Somatic Movement Education Program
Practitioner Program
Infant Developmental Movement Education Program
WEBSITE: www.lebensnetz.it
EMAIL: info@lebensnetz.it