Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Esprit en Mouvement was founded in 2017 by Program Director Mariko Tanabe. Its mission is to offer licensed Body-Mind Centering® training programs in Canada, and to insure the integrity of the BMC® approach that has been established by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and subsequent generations of Body-Mind Centering® professionals and teachers. Based in Montreal, Canada, Esprit en Mouvement is currently offering the School for Body-Mind Centering® Somatic Movement Education Program, and is planning to offer the Practitioner and Infant Developmental Movement Education Programs soon. The training programs offered by Esprit en Mouvement are fully bilingual in the English and French languages, and students from all continents are welcome.
Educational and Administrative Director: Mariko Tanabe
Somatic Movement Education Program
Simultaneous translation of English and French
WEBSITE: www.espritenmouvement.com
EMAIL: info@espritenmouvement.com
PHONE: +1 514-577-8030