Silvia Mamana created CIEC (Centro de Investigación y Estudios Corporales) in 1995 to promote and investigate somatic education practices, mainly focusing on two approaches: Body-Mind Centering® and Esferokinesis®. CIEC as an institution has its main goal in training teachers and facilitators to support the learning process that each individual makes through conscious movement.
For more than 25 years now we have been offering programs and courses to art, education and health care professionals seeking for new resources to complement and enrich their professional work. Starting in 2025 we will proudly host the second licensed School for Body-Mind Centering® SME program in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We look forward to sharing this path with you.
Educational Director: Walburga Glatz
Administrative Director: Silvia Mamana
In the Infant Developmental Movement Education Program courses, there is simultaneous translation of Spanish and English. The Somatic Movement Education Program courses are taught in Spanish.
Infant Developmental Movement Education Program
Somatic Movement Education Program
WEBSITE: coming soon
EMAIL: integracionsomatica@gmail.com