Explore along with Bonnie how your pelvic diaphragm and perineal body and how they support the abdomen in this short video.
Relationship of the Sternum and Ribs
So many of us have been instructed to lift our sternums to achieve a form or posture. It’s a mechanical action that can tighten our spine, ribs, sternum, and shoulders.
Embodying the Crura of the Thoracic Diaphragm from Head to Tail
Bonnie’s experience of the crura of the thoracic diaphragm differs from what’s found in the literature.
Perceiving Your Weight of Consciousness as a Practice
This is an exploration on perceiving where the weight of your consciousness is.
Perceiving through Experience and Words
We perceive through experience.
The Nervous System as a Recording System | Cells Inform the Brain
When we open the back of our brain (lower hindbrain) to receive information, the cells inform the brain. The brain can then organize this information into new patterns.
Visualization, Somatization, and Embodiment
What is the difference between visualization, somatization, and embodiment?
The Space Holds the Information
Embryology is the study of space and structure. We’re embodying the space in which our early structures developed. It is the space that holds the information.
Supporting the Nervous System through Exploring the Weight and Flow of Blood
Patterns of stress and trauma are usually approached through the nervous system. It can also be helpful to drop underneath the nervous system to the circulation of our blood.
Initiating movement from the front body and back body
Initiating movement from the front body and the back body has very different qualities and consciousness.
Bowing from the Heart Versus Bowing From the Head (Nervous System)
Embryologically, the heart begins as two tubes that join together in front of the mouth, which is above the brain at this point in development.
Bones create structure, muscles and nerves create movement
When there is a problem in an upper or lower limb, going back to their embryological origins, including exploring how the joint spaces informed the development of the bones…