We are excited to share with you the Somatics Festival 2019 archival website!
Engaging the Crura of the Thoracic Diaphragm
What is your experience when you engage the crura of your thoracic diaphragm to support your core, rather than just engaging your muscles?
Holding a Baby in a Moving Way
“What does it look like to hold a baby in a moving way” is a powerful question. Here are some explorations I can offer that may help to clarify your experience of what this means.
The Consciousness of Space
One fun way to experience space is to move in whatever manner is possible for you. I will, for the sake of words, offer the suggestion to begin by walking through space.
Question of Presence
How do you know when you are in your body and when you are not, if you have never had the experience?
Relationship of the Center of the Scapula and the Center of the Wrist Part 2
A wonderful comment came in about Bonnie’s post on a exploration of the Relationship between the Center of the Scapula and the Center of the Wrist.
Relationship between the Center of the Scapula and the Center of the Wrist
A simple exploration from Bonnie on the relationship between the center of the scapula and the center of the wrist.
Yield versus Collapse
When we collapse, we lose contact. When we give up, we let gravity take over and then we are collapsed. But when we respond by feeling this increase in tone, it will support our rising away from…
Three Integrating Centers of Transformation
Through the lungs we exchange breathing with the plants. We breath in the breath they breathe out, and they breathe in the breath we breathe out. In the process of breathing, the lungs rhythmically embrace gently the heart…