Join Bonnie and others for an exciting panel conversation exploring how dance educators around the globe integrate and source inspiration from Body-Mind Centering® and the Basic Neurocellular Patterns in their family dance teaching practice.
Bonnie's Schedule
Below are Bonnie's upcoming events. She has reduced her teaching schedule to focus on writing books, and has continued to release additional online courses and books.
Sign up for Bonnie’s newsletter to stay informed when she schedules events, releases new online courses and books, and to hear about School for Body-Mind Centering® Programs around the world.
School for Body-Mind Centering® Programs and Immersion Series are offered by licensed training organizations in 15 countries and in 8 languages. These programs use the curriculum developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen as well as her written materials. Many courses in these Programs and Immersion Series can be taken individually without a commitment to an entire program or series.
Photo © William Vasta. Used with permission.
Spinning a BMCˢᵐ Web: A Body-Mind Centering® Association Online Somatic Symposium
Join Bonnie and 70 other presenters for the Body-Mind Centering® Association’s Spinning a BMCˢᵐ Web Online Somaic Symposium!
Free the Vital Energy and Illuminating Presence of Your Spine: Explorations in Movement and Cellular Consciousness
In this Fall Series of live online classes, we will explore the spine and related structures and processes, nurturing a deeper relationship with our central core.
Spinning a BMCˢᵐ Web: A Body-Mind Centering® Association Online Somatic Symposium
Join Bonnie and more than 35 other presenters for the Body-Mind Centering® Association’s Spinning a BMCˢᵐ Web Online Somaic Symposium!
Exploring the Embodiment of Cellular Consciousness through Movement: A Body-Mind Centering® Approach
Live online summer series of classes with Bonnie. In this groundbreaking series of classes, Bonnie will share insights and principles drawn from her 50 years of pioneering work in embodied anatomy, embodied developmental movement, embryological development, psychophysical integration, and other fields.
Embodied Yoga Explorations: A Body-Mind Centering® Approach
In this live Master Workshop series with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, the founder of Body-Mind Centering®, you’ll be taken on a guided exploration of the personal embodiment of your cells, body systems and developmental patterns.
Embodied Yoga Summit
Join Bonnie at the Embodied Yoga Summit next week along with more than 40 other embodiment researchers and yoga facilitators. Bonnie will be participating in a panel on The Interplay of Somatics, Embodiment, and Yoga and a class on Body-Mind Centering® and Yoga on.
Somatic Movement Summit Presented by The Shift Network
Join Bonnie at the Somatic Movement summit. She will be presenting about the language of movement as fundamental to development, cellular consciousness in relation to nervous system consciousness, and initiating through the awareness of a movement rather than through the external form of the movement.
The Embodiment Conference
October 14 – 25, 2020 | Online Worldwide
Join Bonnie and others at the Embodiment Conference!
Development Of Our Sense Of Self & Our Engagement With Others Through Movement
February 8, 2020 | Berkeley, California
Embryological and infant developmental processes build the foundation for our experience of self and others. Exploring these processes through creative movement and play with children can enhance their sense of self and their ability to organize, express, and communicate with others.
Engaging Self and Other through Embodiment
March 2 – 5, 2019 | Berkeley, California, USA
Using movement, touch, consciousness, and dialogue, this workshop will be an exploration of basic embryological, developmental, anatomical, perceptual, and psychophysical processes stored in our tissues and nervous system as they relate to our experience of self and other.
Embodying Authenticity, Organicity, and Expression: Organs and Glands as a Foundation for Movement and Voice
July 13 – 28, 2019 | Claremont, California, USA
In this workshop, we will explore opening our awareness to the expressive foundation of our organs and glands. Explorations will also draw from other body systems and from developmental movement and their applications to dance.
2019 Body-Mind Centering® Association Conference
August 7 – 10, 2019 | Santa Barbara, California, USA
Join Bonnie, the Body-Mind Centering® and wider somatic community at the 34th annual BMCA conference. Bonnie will be presenting at the Post Conference on August 10 – 11.
Embodied Touch as Transformative Practice
A Series of Nine Monthly Classes:
September 15, 2019 – May 17, 2020 | Berkeley, California, USA
Touch is more than our placing our hands on someone. It involves awareness, consciousness, attention and intention. It also involves how we initiate touch. With brain initiated touch, the brain directs the hands. With embodied touch,we listen receptively and cellularly, and on a level more immediate than the brain.
Somatics Festival: Celebrating The Work of Janet Adler, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, and Nancy Stark Smith and the 45-year Heritage of Contact Quarterly
September 19 – 23, 2019 | Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
Join Bonnie, along with others, at the Somatics Festival: Celebrating The Work of Janet Adler, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, and Nancy Stark Smith and the 45-year Heritage of Contact Quarterly.