The development of these patterns in humans parallels the evolutionary development of movement through the animal kingdom. The Basic Neurocellular Patterns are the words of our movement. They are the building blocks for the phrases and sentences of our activities. They also establish a base for our perceptual relationships (including body image and spatial orientation) and for our learning and communication.
The BNP are one of the foundations of Body-Mind Centering® and are interwoven with the Embodied Anatomy (body-systems material) in later courses. The BNP have extensive application in the areas of movement and psychophysical expression. Done in sequences, the BNP can also form the basis for a deep and ongoing personal movement practice.
This course includes:
- Exploration of the prevertebrate patterns: Vibration, Cellular, Sponging, Pulsation, Navel Radiation, Mouthing, and Prespinal
- Exploration of the vertebrate patterns: spinal, homologous, homolateral, and contralateral
- Distinguishing and integrating the actions of yield, push, reach and pull
- Combinations of the vertebrate patterns that facilitate their integration
- Facilitating developmental repatterning in yourself and others