Bonnie, could you please expand on this quote?
Yes, in everyday language, the word ‘comfort’ has many interpretations. “Yes” is a word that arises often for me for myself, and for asking others, “Are you comfortable?”
Another way to express this in more words might be, are you yielding within yourself so that your cells are communicating with each other for your optimum well-being and ability to engage with others and the environment, and when we are immersed in a challenging situation for which there is no succinct solution at the moment.
The cells provide local experience and information. The nervous system records that information and organizes it with other cellular experiences into patterns that form habits.
An example at the macro level is that society functions best when the governing process is of the people, by the people, and for the people, rather than dictation from above.
If you’re interested in exploring this further, in my new book, Basic Neurocellular Patterns: Exploring Developmental Movement, there’s a chapter on Cellular Breathing. In the chapter on Prespinal, there is discussion of the nervous system as a recording system. Other related information is spread throughout the book.