moveus was founded in 2007 by Jens Johannsen, Friederike Tröscher, and Thomas Greil to host School for Body-Ming Centering® (BMC®) Certification Programs in Germany.
Jens, Friederike, and Thomas started working together in 2003, when they were part of the team offering the first School for Body-Ming Centering® Program in Germany. After this program ended they formed moveus to ensure the continuity of these programs. Jens and Friederike directed, developed, and cultivated moveus from 2007-2022, providing a frame for the School for Body-Ming Centering® Somatic Movement Education (SME) and Practitioner Programs, as well as for the School for Body-Mind Centering® Teacher Training and Embodied Anatomy & Yoga Training.
Moveus organized several events featuring Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, in an attempt to bring together the BMC® community as well as spreading the work further. Continuing on his personal journey, Jens left moveus in 2022 and Nina Wehnert and Odile Seitz-Walser joined the organization.
With this new team moveus continues to offer the SME and Practitioner Programs and is adding the Infant Developmental Movement Education Program with Thomas coming back as a director for this particular application.
Educational and Administrative Director: Friederike Tröscher
Somatic Movement Education Program
Practitioner Program
Teacher Training
Infant Developmental Movement Education Program
English with translation of individual terms or sentences into German
WEBSITE: www.moveus.de
EMAIL: info@moveus.de
PHONE: +49 2224 9601531